Welcome to Texas

America's #1 State for Business & the World's 10th Largest Economy

Since 1519 people from around the world have relocated to our Great State of Texas with many foreign nations attempting to annex our home for their financial gain. With guns in hand we Texans have defended this vast land from 6 different nations including Spain (cr. 1519 - 1685; 1690 - 1821), France (cr. 1684 - 1689), Mexico (cr. 1821 - 1836), The Republic of Texas (cr. 1836 - 1845), the Confederate States of America (cr. 1861 - 1865), and the United States of America (cr. 1845 - 1861, 1865 - Present). Although Texas is a state within the fifty United States of America, a large percentage of Texans know their history and firmly believe in her right to succeed from the United States as referenced by Governor Rick Perry.

Texas is comprised of 254 counties spread across 7 regions (ie. Big Bend Country, Gulf Coast, Hill Country, Panhandle Plains, Pineywoods, Prairies and Lakes, South Texas Plains) creating 4,300 towns for residence, work, and play. Our Texas - Mexico border spans 1,254 miles joined by 28 international bridges and border crossings allowing commercial, vehicular, and pedestrian traffic. Along the Gulf the Mexico, Texas secures 11 deep-draft and 8 shallow-draft maritime ports offering commercial and recreational usage. Our big blue skies above Texas provide 730 airports with 26 for commercial use while also serving as the heart of NASA’s human spaceflight program based at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. We also maintain 29 US Customs Ports of Entry and 32 free trade zones throughout the Great State of Texas.

Our Texas infrastructure is world-renowned; workforce is dependable; and assets protected by armed citizens who embrace the Second Ammendment of the United States of America Constitution. Ratified in 1791, the Second Ammendment states:

  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Ratified in 1876, the Texas Constitution clearly establishes in Article I of the "Bill of Rights" this fundamental human right:
  • Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.

Another note of mention concerning Texans and our enforcement of citizen rights and property is the 2007 Castle Doctrine / Stand Your Ground law plus the 2016 firearm Open Carry law. These laws give citizens the freedom to openly carry their firearm as detailed in HB 910 of the 84th Legislature and voids the requirement to retreat in accordance with Penal Code Sec. 9.32. Simply stated, Don't Mess With Texas!

Texas is the capital of North America and our infrastructure is envied as detailed below:
  • Texas Military Department has the duty to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions in accordance with the Texas Constitution Article 4.
  • Texas Interconnection Electricity Power Grid is is maintained as a separate power grid in North America for political reasons and provides 90% of Texas' electricity.
  • Texas Bullion Depository is a precious metals storage facility, larger than Fort Knox, with management oversight by the Texas Comptroller for $350 Billion in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium deposits.

With this new information in mind we welcome you and your company to Texas. Southern Heritage, Orgullo Tejano, Emancipated Black Slaves, Native Americans, and other generational-Texans are the core fabric of our population as we have centuries of experience welcoming "newcombers". Please understand the politics and business practices of your home-state or country from where you flee will not be tolerated in Texas. What will be encouraged is your acclamation in you becoming the best Texan possible while building a strong Texas corporation that reflects our state pride and values. Good Luck to You & God Bless Texas!

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